
Friday, November 9, 2012

Frugal Mind, Frugal Life

Whether or not your Presidential candidate of choice was elected on Tuesday night, the growing uncertainty of our economy has everyone on the edge of their seats. You already learned, however, that focus equals feeling; and if you focus on being upset about the current economic struggles, you will continue to manifest personal economic struggle and uncertainty yourself.

Seek And You Shall Find

Ever buy a new outfit, or car, or CD, and suddenly you start to see it or a version of it everywhere you go? This all goes back to the same principle: "Where focus goes, energy flows" (Anthony Robbins).

From Tuesday's post, What is Your Story?, you challenged yourself to become aware of the limiting beliefs you habitually recite. These negative incantations, whether you're conscious of it or not, send biochemical triggers to your brain that push it to find more of what you're feeding it.

The good news: The same holds true for positive focus and positive peak states.

Take a deep breath. Allow your stomach to come out and your diaphragm to expand. Let it out with a long audible sigh. Relax. Now pay attention: The politicians and other elected leaders of our country DO NOT determine your personal finances or success. They simply create the template, but you choose the design. You have the tools. You have the power.

Instead of reciting that the economy 'sucks,' embrace this uncertainty with a renewed sense of adventure. Make a strong decisive move that empowers you. Take a strong step. Pump your fist strong in the air! Stand like Superman!!

Embrace your power of FREE WILL. Embrace your opportunity to be great.

The money is still out there. It's all about your strategy.

Are you willing to work as hard as it takes to be financially successful? Or will your story hold you back?

Find a successful role model that inspires you to grow and reach for the stars. Place their picture where you can see them often to remind you of what you're working for.

Why do you want to be successful? What else will you achieve or contribute to the world as a result of your success?

In today's world, it is no longer possible to achieve "good" results by simply doing "good" work.

Yes, you must work twice as hard. Three times as hard. Maybe four times as hard.

"The question isn't 'Can You?'...but 'Will You?'" (A. Robbins)

LiveWell could post a million articles about frugal living and budgeting tips, but if you have no actual drive to do it or no CONCRETE, clear reasons as to why you MUST (not 'should'), then is it any wonder why most people hardly follow through with what they say they're going to do?

Be clear with yourself and with whatever higher power you connect to.

What exactly do you want and why?
What are you certain this will bring you?
How will you add value to the world as opposed to waiting for the world to add value to you?

When you are clear and committed to your goals and's then when your brain and mind will focus on ( & therefore produce) the strategy or strategies needed to help you attain them

Be your own #1 fan, and allow yourself to be successful.

"Get Out of Your Own Way."

Links to help your frugal endeavors:

                                                                     Source: via Carys on Pinterest

                                                                      Source: via Carys on Pinterest

                                                                       Source: via Carys on Pinterest

                                                                          Source: via Carys on Pinterest

                      Have A Great Weekend!!

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